A fan of all things British, Australian, or Kiwi (wink, wink Jemaine), naturally I was ecstatic when I heard that the Australian show "Kath & Kim" was getting an American remake for the fall TV season. While I generally can't stand Selma Blair, I assumed pairing her with Molly Shannon might make her a little less annoying and half of a comedy powerhouse. However, I was wrong.
"Kath & Kim" is now available to watch on Yahoo! or you can download the pilot episode for free on iTunes. I downloaded it and watched it on my iPhone whilst wheezing on the elliptical machine at my gym. The best way for me to forget that I'm torturing my body is to watch comedy shows on my iPhone while I'm exercising. My staples: "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and "Samantha Who?". When I realized I could get the pilot of "Kath & Kim" for free, I was giddy with excitement as I have been anticipating it's arrival for months now. But it didn't really result in the laughter blackout I was prepared for.
"Kath & Kim" tells the story of a mother and daughter, Molly Shannon and Selma Blair (MS is actually only 8 years older than SB in real life), who have an extremely dysfucntional relationship and have yet to realize the early 90's are over. They dress in horrendous outfits usually consisting of ill-fitting spandex and generally act like children, especially Kim. But spandex can only get you so many laughs before you start wondering when something funny is going to happen. Kim leaves her husband because he wants her to do stuff, like microwave dinner every once in a while. Kath is dating a sandwich artist. And...... that's about it. I was greatly disappointed that this is all the show had to offer. I know the physical comedy of her Mary Katherine Gallagher days are long behind us, but I was expecting more of Molly Shannon. Selma Blair has absolutely perfected the whiny brat character she plays in every film and was obviously the inspiration for Meredith Grey. She just annoyed me as usual, so bravo on that note for living up to my expectations!
It's just the pilot, and pilots are usually the worst episodes of an entire series. I wasn't so sure about "30 Rock" when I saw that pilot either, but I've since fallen in love with Liz Lemon and the antics of the crew at "TGS". So don't take my word for it... Give "Kath & Kim" a chance when it premieres on NBC Thursday night at 8:30pm. I'm going to keep watching... for now. If after three episodes it has still yet to impress, I'll give it the kiss of death (remove it from the DVR). I had higher hopes for this much hyped show, but I think we might be better off trying to find episodes online of the original version from the Outback.
Photo: via thebiz.fancast.com